Investment Approach – Active and Disciplined

Politis is an active investment manager.

Taking a disciplined approach, we believe we can deliver returns that outperform those attributable to market conditions.

We focus on quality listed assets with a proven track record. This ensures our clients enjoy attractive risk-adjusted returns that enable their future goals.

The portfolios are diversified and can include a mixture of equities, bonds and cash. We also offer ethical portfolios.

The Investment Committee takes the following criteria into account when making its decisions:

  • Management and governance
  • Industry position
  • Earnings, momentum, and outlook
  • Balance sheet strength
  • Stock valuation, including cash-flow.

The Investment Committee actively monitors the portfolio. It is a continuous balancing act of managing risk with attractive investment returns.

We track the financial results of over 200 of the largest listed companies in Australia so we know how they are performing and to identify emerging opportunities or risks. It enables us to act when the time is right.

We meet monthly to review performance. This ensures your portfolio is delivering the best possible returns in line with your investment profile.


Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy is pragmatic, based on investment and business fundamentals.

It starts with asset allocation, in line with the account’s broad-scale mandate: growth, balanced or conservative. This is crucial as it has the biggest impact on long-term returns for the portfolio.

The portfolios are then built with a top-down approach using the following criteria in descending order:

  1. Asset classes (e.g. equities, bonds and cash, accounting for macro-economic conditions)
  2. Geography (e.g. developed or developing markets)
  3. Industry sector (e.g. healthcare vs consumer) and styles (e.g. growth vs value)
  4. Fundamentals of the business or investment we are making.


Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is charged with the buying and selling of assets, and monitoring portfolio performance in line with the mandates of the Managed Discretionary Accounts. This is to ensure they deliver the best possible returns to our clients.

To help them in their decision making the Investment Committee has access to first-class investment research and third-party expertise from Australia’s leading investment bank and research provider.

Allied to the experience of seasoned professionals, we create a robust framework for managing our client portfolios.

External Consultant

At Politis Investment Strategies we pride ourselves on the quality of our investment service.

This is why we have retained the Head of Institutional Sales at UBS Securities, Australia’s leading investment bank and research provider, to sit on our committee.

They ensure the rigour of our investment decisions.

 Gregory Politis

Gregory Politis

Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer
DipBus, BCom, DipFP, CFP, JP

Managing Director Gregory Politis also serves as our Chief Investment Officer.

Gregory established Politis Investment Strategies in 2001 and has been providing financial planning advice to clients, and managing portfolios and investments, since then.

Prior to joining Politis Investment Strategies, Gregory worked as an accountant in public practice.

 Stuart Wolfe

Stuart Wolfe

Head of Technical Services
BCom, Adv DFS (FP), MTaxation

Stuart has been the Head of the Technical Services team since 2006. Prior to this, Stuart worked in business services at a highly regarded public practice accounting firm.

Stuart oversees the advice provided by all Employee Advisers and Authorised Representatives of Politis Investment Strategies, providing technical support and assistance in the delivery of advice.

Connect with Stuart on LinkedIn
 Gerard Minack

Gerard Minack

Investment Strategist

Gerard has been analysing, forecasting and advising on financial markets since 1987.

Gerard retired from Morgan Stanley in May 2013. At Morgan Stanley, he had been the Global Strategist and before that, the Developed Market Equity Strategist.

Earlier in his career Gerard worked at ABN AMRO and BZW, both investment banks, and Syntec Economic Services, an independent research provider.

 Morgan Borrett

Morgan Borrett

Portfolio Manager

Morgan joined the Politis Investment Team in early 2023, and works with Chief Investment Officer Gregory to conduct equity research, manage tactical asset allocations, and monitor risk in our investment mandates.

Prior to joining Politis Investment Strategies, Morgan’s career spans across portfolio management, buy-side equity research, and alternative investment analysis at companies offshore. He has spent the last three years specialising in Australasian equities.

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